





我是A. Daniel我强烈推荐哈里森律师事务所。哈里森律师非常专业、可靠、知识渊博、负责任,以及他总是能够以易于理解的方式解释复杂的法律程序,我们的案件是兄弟姐妹移民。因 COVID-19 被耽误。当我们向何律师寻求帮助时,我们几乎不报希望。何律师及他的团队以专业精神和耐心一步一步地指导我们,此外,他们的及时回覆值得称赞,我们总是通过多种联系方式及时收到问题的答复。他们致力于让客户了解情况,我们会定期收到案件状态的更新,这非常令人放心。最终我们的案件获得了及时批准。这要归功于何博雅律师事务所的专业精神、知识和准确高效的工作。我再次强烈推荐何博雅律师事务所给任何有移民法律需求的人。非常感谢他们的出色工作。Highly recommend Harrison Law Firm. Attorney Harrison is very professional, reliable, knowledgeable, responsible, and he is always able to explain complex legal procedures in an easy to understand manner.Our case was delayed due to COVID-19. When we sought help from Attorney He, we had little hope. Attorney He and his team guided us step by step with professionalism and patience. In addition, their prompt responses are commendable, and we always received timely responses to our questions through multiple contact methods. They are committed to keeping their clients informed, and we receive regular updates on the status of our cases, which is very reassuring. Ultimately, our case was approved in a timely manner. This is all thanks to the professionalism, knowledge, and accurate and efficient work of Boya He Law Firm. Once again, I highly recommend Boya He Law Firm to anyone with immigration legal needs. Thank you very much for their excellent work.
Swan X
Swan X
xiaoling H.
xiaoling H.
Edmond S.
Edmond S.
何律师 is very professional and patient. He took the time to listen to my situation thoroughly and offered insightful advice, which gave me more confidence in my future choices. I highly recommend 何律师 and look forward to working with him on any future applications. (btw he's FLUENT in Mandarin~)
Yiqin M.
Yiqin M.
qiaoping Z.
qiaoping Z.
Kevin S.
Kevin S.
My mom received an RFE from the USCIS for her I-485 green card application. I searched online and found a lot of law firms which claim they can help me with the case. I was so lucky to find 何律师, the Attorney Harrison, out of all the options.I talked to him first on zoom and he provided me a lot of information and background of their process. He was so professional and confident and never pushed me on anything. Plus, he speaks very fluent mandarin.During the preparation, he and his crew guided me through the process step by step patiently and professionally, I found it so easy to work and communicate with them. He reviewed all the documents very carefully and always provided me valuable feedback.My mom’s case was approved several days after they mailed the package to the USCIS. I can not appreciate 何律师,the Attorney Harrison, and his crew enough for their effort and professionalism here.So don’t waste your time on searching, choose 何律师 and you won’t be regret.
Nan W.
Nan W.
何律师非常平易近人,非常耐心,专业。 他非常耐心专业地解答我的一切问题。 他的中文非常流利。 他是一位非常值得信任,非常优秀的律师。以后有需移民方面的帮助, 我还会找他帮助。
Minmin S.
Minmin S.
I have successfully completed three green card applications with The Harrison Law Firm, for my mother-in-law and my own parents. My mother-in-law’s application was submitted at the end of 2021, and due to the pandemic, the entire approval process took over two years. During this time, Attorney Harrison and his team repeatedly answered our questions, provided assistance, and eased our anxiety over the long wait without a response. They helped submit multiple service requests, contacted the CIS Ombudsman, and even reached out to the Congressman’s office. Finally, in July of this year, we received the final approval letter.Because of the excellent experience with the initial collaboration, I sought the help of The Harrison Law Firm for the next two applications as well. These cases were a bit more complex, primarily involving proof of the father-son relationship (since my parents did not obtain a marriage certificate when they got married in the 1970s). Attorney Harrison provided a lot of useful information, guiding us step by step to obtain multiple documents (incredibly, he’s not Chinese, but he’s very familiar with the relevant procedures) and successfully submitted the application. At the same time, we even prepared an alternative plan in case of an RFE. In the end, my parents' case was approved quickly, taking less than five months from submission to receiving the green card. This is undoubtedly thanks to the professionalism, knowledge, and efficient work of the Harrison Law Firm.I highly recommend The Harrison Law Firm to anyone with immigration legal needs. Many thanks to them for their outstanding work.我在何博亚律师事务所一共成功办了三次绿卡,分别是岳母,和自己父母。岳母的申请是在21年底递交的,由于疫情原因,整个审批流程持续了两年多时间。在此期间,何博亚律师及其团队多次答疑解惑,提供帮助,并且安慰我们久等没有答复的焦躁情绪。他们多次帮忙提交service request, 联系CIS Ombudsman以及Congressman office。终于在今年7月份等到了最终的批准信。正是因为初次合作的良好体验,后两次申请我同样寻求了何博亚律所的帮助。这次的案子有一点点复杂,主要是证实父子关系的证明(因为我父母上世纪70年代结婚时没有领取结婚证)。何律师提供了很多有用的信息,指导我们逐步获取了多份材料(难以置信的是他并不是中国人,但是对于相关流程非常熟悉)并最终成功递交了申请。同时我们还准备了备选方案以防RFE。最后我父母的案子快速通过, 从递交申请到收到绿卡只用了不到五个月时间。当然这得归功于何博亚律师事务所的专业素养,知识储备以及准确高效的工作。我强烈推荐何博亚律师事务所给任何有移民法律需求的人。非常感谢他们的出色工作。
Hua H.
Hua H.
Cici J.
Cici J.
Mr. Harrison is an exceptional immigration lawyer who truly stands out in his field. From our initial meeting, it was clear that he was the right attorney for us. His approachability, extensive knowledge, and professionalism immediately put us at ease. Importantly, Mr. Harrison is LGBTQ+ friendly, ensuring a welcoming and inclusive environment for all clients.One of Mr. Harrison’s greatest strengths is his ability to explain complex legal processes in a way that’s easy to understand. He guided us through every step of our immigration journey, providing timely support whenever we needed it. This level of communication significantly reduced our anxiety and stress throughout the process.The firm’s use of an intuitive online system greatly streamlined our experience, making document submission and tracking effortless. Additionally, their responsiveness is commendable - with several ways to reach them, we always received prompt replies to our queries.Their commitment to keeping clients informed is also much appreciated. We received regular updates on our case status, which was incredibly reassuring. Mr. Harrison expertise is also evident in the outcomes he achieves - our case was approved timely!Based on our outstanding experience, we highly recommend Mr. Harrison for any immigration legal needs. We’ll certainly be turning to him for any future immigration services. If you are looking for a knowledgeable, efficient, and caring immigration attorney, Mr. Harrison is the one to choose.
Y. L.
Y. L.
本人Mui Handy的婚姻绿卡申請因某種原因而錯過了移民局要求時間內提交補交文件RFE而收到I-485 被撤銷通知書,這時非常徬徨及晴天霹靂,後來得到何博亞律師事務所律師團隊的努力幫助,去信向移民局解釋及重新遞交需要補件資料,現剛收到移民局對本案子的撤銷取消及繼續處理本人的I-485申請。何博亞律師是個非常好及負責任,有專業水準、高效率的律師,中文又流利,對人友善更了解中國人文化。本人非常滿意他的工作态度,以後再有法律,移民方面需要也會找何博亞律師事務所,並向有需要辦移民申請的朋友極力推薦。
尊敬的博亞律師事務所的何博亚律师和Christina及其專業團隊,我想藉此機會向您們致以誠摯的感謝。在整個申請親屬移民的過程中,您們展現了非常高的專業水準和細緻的工作態度。特別是在審理文件的過程中,您們的細心和周詳使整個過程更加順利和高效。感謝您們用了四個月的時間完成了我的綠卡申請。再次感謝您們所做的一切。誠摯地, 李娜
Cindy L.
Cindy L.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart all you have done to make this dream come true I’m so blessed to have found the best lawyer in the country Thank you so much I know is was a matter of time but the results were just like I dreamed now my husband and I can move forward to better our lives I recommend anyone that wants the best then look no further Mr Boya is the best in the business and awesome price please trust me when I say there is no one else better thank you God bless
Zhong L.
Zhong L.
简单 快速 效率高
We are extremely grateful for Lawyer Harrison's assistance with our application. He is very detail-oriented and communicates effectively, being available all time on business hours to answer any questions. Harrison is not only highly professional but also incredibly approachable and humble. His proficiency in both Chinese and English is excellent.Despite being a newly established startup, our company has greatly benefited from Harrison's support. He not only helped with my immigration visa but also assisted with various company matters. His timely communication with our employer has been invaluable. We highly recommend his legal services to all of our friends.Initially, we were skeptical because there were so many positive reviews, and it seemed too good to be true. However, after working with him for over two months, we realized that all the positive feedback is entirely genuine. I can't thank him enough for his support and feel very honored to have him handle my case.我们非常感谢Harrison律师对我们申请的帮助。他非常注重细节,沟通也非常顺畅,甚至大多数工作时间都会在线解答问题。Harrison不仅非常专业,而且特别平易近人、虚心好学。他的中文和英文都非常好,能够无缝切换。尽管我们公司是一家刚刚成立的创业公司,但Harrison给了我们很大的帮助。他不仅帮助我顺利办理了移民签证,还在很多公司事务上给予了支持。他和雇主的及时沟通对我们非常宝贵。我们强烈推荐他的法律服务给所有的朋友。起初我们看到那么多好评时还有些怀疑,觉得不太可信。但通过与他合作了两个多月后,我们发现这些好评都是真实的。我对他的支持感激不尽,非常荣幸由他主持我的案子。
Jack M.
Jack M.
Very responsive and excellent service - thank you!!
Ningxian L.
Ningxian L.
Lucy D.
Lucy D.
I was very fortunate to find The Harrison Law firm. The attorney is professional, dependable, knowledgeable, and responsible. A great plus is that he is totally fluent in Chinese, making it easy to communicate with him. the cost for his legal services is very affordable. I believe he is our best choice, and strongly recommend him.One more time I used The Harrison Law Firm services to help me in the permanent visa renewal process. As usual, it was a flawless process. At al times I was confident, knowing I was using the best available services.
zhang D.
zhang D.
Zongyu D
Zongyu D
I am very grateful to Attorney Harrison and his team for successfully helping us solve the issue of the 130 notice of intent to deny (NOID)🌹After more than 2 years of long waiting, my husband and I finally got the opportunity to interview in April. But my husband made a serious mistake when answering questions in the interview. When we saw the NIOD letter in the mailbox on the immigration website, there were only about 15 days left before the deadline for submitting materials. I urgently contacted Attorney Harrison. After preparing the materials he required, I only had 3 days to give the lawyer. In such an urgent time, Attorney Harrison and his team prepared the required documents in time and submitted the materials to the immigration. 10 days later, our 130 was successfully approved. Thanks again to Attorney Harrison and his team for their great help!非常感谢何律师和他的团队,成功地帮我们解决了130拒签意向书的问题。我和老公经过2年多的漫长等待,终于在4月等到了面试的机会。可老公在面试回答问题时却出了严重错误,我们在移民局网站邮箱里看到拒签意向书的时候,距离要求提交材料的期限只有大概10几天了。我紧急联系了何律师,按照他要求的材料准备好后,只有3天的时间给律师了,在这么迫切的时间内,何律师和他的团队及时做好所需文件并把材料递交到移民局。10天后我们的130顺利通过了。再次感谢何律师及其团队的大力帮助!
kehjean H.
kehjean H.
From Mr. C. H. LUKMy daughter and I are incredibly grateful for the exceptional service provided by Attorney Harrison in my immigration process. He guided us with professionalism and expertise in fulfilling my daughter's application for my immigration. Attorney Harrison's dedication and attention to details were evident throughout the process, ensuring the every aspect of our application was meticulously handled.His comprehensive legal services facilitated a seamless journey, ultimately attaining my success in being granted a green card recently and enabling our much-anticipated family reunion. We highly recommend Attorney Harrison for anyone in need of reliable and proficient immigration legal services.
CH02 L.
CH02 L.
My wife and I used the Harrison Law Firm to get her marriage based green card/AOS, and Mr. Harrison was incredibly helpful in helping us prepare everything we needed for her application. He took the time to consult with us when we needed advice, and I would recommend his law firm to anyone who needs help with any immigration issues. He's extremely knowledgeable about what you will need to do, and he also seems like he genuinely cares about helping his clients.
David W.
David W.
I recently had the pleasure of working with Attorney Harrison, and I couldn't be more satisfied with the service I received. He is incredibly professional, knowledgeable, and approachable. From the very beginning, he made me feel comfortable and confident about my case. He explained everything clearly and was always available to answer any questions I had.His expertise and dedication truly set him apart. I highly recommend Attorney Harrison to anyone in need of legal assistance. You can trust him to handle your case with the utmost care and professionalism.Thank you, Attorney Harrison, for your outstanding service!-Emily
The attorney is always dedicated to his clients. Always committed to deliver a high quality service. Always available and willing to help. I would like to recommend his professional services.
Wilfredo E.
Wilfredo E.
Zikang L.
Zikang L.
I would say Harrison is the best lawyer I have ever dealt with. He and his team are patient and responsive. And alway give the professional and right suggestions.
Derrick W.
Derrick W.
I had great experience with Attorney Baya Harrison and his staffs for my Mom’s SB1 visa. I would highly recommend Attorney Harrison to everyone with immigration needs.
Weiping Z.
Weiping Z.
My wife who is from Beijing and I had a delightful experience using this law firm for immigration purposes! The lawyer is patient and friendly but also very knowledgeable. He took what was a difficult and intricate process and made it very easy for us. This office speaks both English and Chinese.
Peter B.
Peter B.
何律师非常专业权威,在移民路上有幸遇见这样优秀的律师我真的很幸运。他专业和耐心的解答我的一切问题。他的中文非常好,我们沟通无障碍。他是我们华人的贴心人。如果你有任何的移民问题,何律师是最值得信赖的! 谢谢何律师!!!
Jacy O.
Jacy O.
jingjun Y.
jingjun Y.
Yuxuan A.
Yuxuan A.
Zoe H.
Zoe H.
Good morning, Lawyer He! I am honored to have found you among so many attorneys! Thank you very much for the hard work you have put in for me, and I also appreciate your superb professional skills and patient and meticulous guidance. You are our Chinese people’s forever friends! At the same time, I recommend here to friends in need that He Boya’s legal team is your first choice!
xiu H.
xiu H.
Mr. Harrison represented my case for the conversion of my temporary green card to a permanent one. He is very professional and knowledgeable, and his Chinese is AMAZING! We have had few video calls, all conducted in Chinese, with no barriers to communication whatsoever. And he always answered my questions promptly and patiently, which made me feel very reassured with him on my side.So if you looking for an immigration lawyer, he is your guy!何律师代理了我的临时绿卡转永久绿卡的案件。我非常幸运找到了他,何律师非常专业,而且他的中文惊人的好,跟他用中文沟通完全无障碍!他总是很及时和耐心的回答我的问题,有他在我感觉非常的安心。
In my quest for a professional immigration lawyer, I diligently interviewed several candidates. Many of them, I discovered, delegated tasks to assistants or trainees, particularly when dealing with Hispanic clients like myself, who often have unique backgrounds. Given the complexity of my situation, I required a lawyer who could meticulously review various application materials and provide accurate guidance to expedite the immigration process. My husband, an American citizen and retired university professor, also held stringent criteria for selecting an immigration lawyer.After thorough evaluation, we entrusted Harrison Lawyer with our case.Firstly, Attorney Harrison impressed us with their comprehensive software system for application preparation. This system streamlined the process, allowing us to easily upload required information. Its bilingual interface, available in both Chinese and English, catered to the needs of diverse users.Secondly, when the Immigration Bureau requested supplementary documents a month after submission, Attorney Harrison's professional guidance was invaluable. They carefully evaluated our situation and provided clear recommendations to ensure a successful outcome, urging us to bolster our evidence for added assurance.Despite a seven-month wait, Attorney Harrison maintained constant communication. Upon receiving notification of our application's approval, they promptly informed us via email and WeChat. Their diligence and commitment to client satisfaction were evident throughout the process.I cannot thank Attorney Harrison enough for their professionalism, efficiency, attention to detail, and approachable demeanor. I wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone seeking a fair and trustworthy immigration lawyer.
Yummy Y.
Yummy Y.
As an immigration lawyer, 何博亚 elegant professionalism and unwavering dedication shine brightly. I deeply appreciate the exquisite level of service and expertise he has demonstrated in handling my immigration affairs. With graceful explanations and adept guidance, he has navigated the immigration process with finesse, making it seem effortless and refined. His sophisticated expertise and experience have been invaluable in ensuring the smooth completion of my family immigration procedures. I am truly grateful for his assistance and would wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone seeking immigration legal services. Say again, If you want to make a success of immigrating, talk to lawyer 何博亚.
George Y.
George Y.
Highly recommend Attorney Harrison and the team! Super responsive to inquiry (usually within the same day), smooth online portal to submit information, track status and save all case files, great attention to details. I worked with several immigration lawyers in the past and I have to say this is by far the best. My parent's 485 case got approved within 4 months post application without any issue. I wouldn't look elsewhere and I will always be happy to refer this law firm to friends.
Yuanyuan D.
Yuanyuan D.
cheng Y.
cheng Y.